Sunday, 11 March 2012


On Friday I found out that I am officially Community (House) Captain and I am so pleased and excited. Fridays are becoming vital social days. I have seen Nicola three Friday's in a row and Ella joined in this time too! They came over and we chilled over Glee and ended up taking pictures with amusing hairstyles they make me laugh soooo much! Nicola has such a steady hand.

Saturday I went to Kayleigh's new house for a housewarming sleepover with Sarita, Jess, Vicki and Chloe. This was funny we made a music video to Call Me Maybe by Carly Rae Jepsen. Which involved me dressing up as a man with facial hair and a six pack drawn in black pen. However the six pack hasn't rubbed off still which is awkward! Sunday morning was also amusing there were an interesting pair of knickers found next to Kayleigh's bed that apparently belonged to nobody. They were size 12 and from Tesco they were grey with a pink bow and a giant hole in the back. The identification process involved smelling them, How terrible. The things my friends and I get up to. Thank god the undies were clean!

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